Revision, or secondary, rhinoplasty corrects deformities caused by a previous rhinoplasty or injuries sustained following a prior surgery. It is a more difficult procedure to perform than primary rhinoplasty because there is less cartilage to work with and there may be scarring or tissue contracture. Such surgeries can be performed for functional or cosmetic reasons. In some cases, additional cartilage may be taken from the ear or even the ribs to reconstruct the nose.

Because of its complexity, revision rhinoplasty requires the skills of a highly trained specialist.

Candidates for Revision Rhinoplasty

Anyone who is unhappy with the results of their initial rhinoplasty procedure may be a candidate for revision rhinoplasty. In general, patients should wait at least 1 year after their initial surgery to allow the nose to heal fully before considering a revision surgery. Patients should discuss their initial procedure with their surgeon in order to determine the new goals of the revision.  Through consultation and physical examination, the doctor will help determine whether or not revision surgery is an appropriate course of action.

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